The Blog Content Management System (CMS) is a dynamic web application built using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. This system allows users to create, manage, and publish blog posts efficiently, providing a structured platform for content management. Key features include user authentication, post creation and editing, category management, comment handling, and an admin dashboard for seamless content moderation. The system also supports media uploads, SEO-friendly URLs, and responsive design, ensuring a smooth experience across all devices. With Bootstrap, the UI is modern and visually appealing, while JavaScript enhances interactivity and real-time validations. Security measures like SQL injection prevention, CSRF protection, and secure authentication ensure safe and reliable content management. This Blog CMS is a perfect solution for bloggers, content creators, and developers looking to build or integrate a customizable blogging platform into their projects.
Here's some of my portfolio projects that I have worked on.
Explore moreThe Personal Portfolio Website is a web-based project designed to showcase an individual’s skills, achievements, and professional journey in an engaging and visually appealing...
View Project Download ProjectThe User Authentication System is a secure and efficient web application built using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS (Tailwind CSS), and JavaScript. This system provides a seamless...
View Project Download ProjectThe Blog Content Management System (CMS) is a dynamic web application built using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. This system allows users to create, manage...
View Project Download ProjectThe URL Shortener is a web-based application built using PHP, MySQL, HTML, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript. This system allows users to convert long URLs into short...
View Project Download ProjectThe Student Management System is a web-based application developed using PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS...
View Project Download ProjectThe Event Booking System is a web-based application developed using PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS. This system enables users to browse, book, and manage...
View Project Download ProjectThis project is a fully functional authentication page built using React.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Tailwind CSS. The authentication system provides a seamless user experience...
View Project Download ProjectThis project is a McDonald's Clone - Restaurant Reservation System built using React.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Tailwind CSS. The system is designed to showcase skills in...
View Project Download ProjectThis project is a Personal Portfolio Website built using React.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Tailwind CSS. The portfolio serves as an online representation of skills, experience, and...
View Project Download ProjectI'm currently specializing in Web Development.
Feel free to get in touch and talk more about your projects.
Designed and Developed by Muhammad Ali Hamza.
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V 1.2